
The dahlias are on their way to being a distant memory. There’s a few tiny blooms left, but at the beginning of the month, the battery died in the watering timer during a heat wave, and, while they were nearing the end of their life cycle, that really helped them along. It really makes me cherish the present, how amazing they are for a short time. While I did try to take them out and give them away as much as possible, dahlias really show me the fragility of the present moment. continue reading »

Even though I should know by now, the intensity of the Vata season always takes me by surprise. Vata is one of the three ayurvedic doshas, or very roughly, constitutions, and here’s my quick stream of consciousness rendering of the qualities it embodies: quick nervous mind energy, everything speeding up, too much all at once, inconsistency, mutability, insomnia, dryness, wind, and cold. Fall is the beginning of the Vata season, and I am moving into the Vata time of life, which starts at around 50. continue reading »

San Francisco offers an excellent greywater pilot program for its residents:
The Laundry-to-Landscape Pilot Graywater Program offers a $112 subsidy towards the cost of a $117 laundry-to-landscape graywater kit. Up to 150 qualifying single-family and two-unit San Francisco residential properties are eligible to participate. In addition to the subsidized laundry-to-landscape kit, participants receive a free workshop on how to properly install your kit, in-home technical assistance from a graywater expert, access to a tool kit for installation, and a copy of the San Francisco Graywater Design Manual for Outdoor Irrigation.
We signed up, and attended a workshop at the Urban Farmer Store in San Francisco. continue reading »

Thanks to the fact that we have some irrigation this year, the August garden is one that’s so close to full bloom, but not quite there yet. I’m most excited about the dahlias, this one is just about ready to flower. continue reading »

Although many of you gardeners have been showing off your dahlia flowers for months now, I’m really excited to see the first flower in my backyard. This was a real learning experience for me, nursing the bulbs, learning how to prune, feed, etc. Now it’s all worth it, and there are going to be so many of these babies popping soon. continue reading »

I am trying to figure out how anyone has time to garden, blog, pay bills, live, work, dream, dance… continue reading »