Category Gardening

A Visit to Green Gulch 1


Nothing makes me happier than a farm by the sea.  I have always felt that the food tastes better if grown near the ocean, that some of the coastal magic comes through the plants.

Yesterday, I visited Green Gulch Farm, which is part of the San Francisco Zen Center.  I was there for a yoga retreat, and had to walk down to the farm from the yurt where we had our retreat.  continue reading »

Starting the Compost Box 0


Earlier, I had posted about a [intlink id=”65″ type=”post”]compost experiment[/intlink], starting a new compost pile in my unused planting box.  Yesterday, Dave and I finally got around to preparing the box.  I had covered it with a tarp for a week or so, to make it easier to pull out some of the pernicious weeds in the box. continue reading »

A Compost Experiment 0


It’s a sunny Sunday morning, and I went out into the garden early to make sure everything was getting enough water.  I had just read Backyard Composting, and was reminded again of the idea of how some people move their compost pile frequently, and then plant where the pile has been.  (similar to the permaculture “chicken tractor”) This approach may solve a big problem in my garden.  continue reading »

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